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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Installing Cattle Waterers

Cattle Waterers

As part of putting this farm in to use for cattle, we needed to install three freeze proof waterers. We will

have electric fences separating the place in to five different paddocks as we are planning on utilizing

rotational grazing. That required a backhoe to come and dig the water line. It needs to be approximately

24" deep in our area as that is the freeze line.

First, in the country you've got to find out who has a backhoe

and when they can come. So, after asking around, a name comes up, you ask around about their

reputation and then you give them a call. You have to find out what they charge and if they can do the

job. Then find out when they can come and hopefully they show when they say they will. Before the

digging even started, we located a plastic pipe manufacturing facility that was fairly close (35 miles) and

spoke with them about purchasing 3000 feet of pipe. No problem....they have what we need. So we load

up in the wonderful green and white dump truck (that's another story) and head off to get our pipe. The lines all get dug

and now comes the part of laying out the pipe and gluing them together.  It also helps when you can get your son to come and help!!

 Everything works pretty

good...we have a few snags such as a few of the pipe pieces not fitting snugly enough together to make

a good seal. Somewhere in quality control, they missed these pieces. cut them apart and

reapply the glue and move on down the line. Once the pipes are all laid and a riser attached, then

the insulated tube is dropped over your water pipe to insulate it from freezing.  This tube will meet up with the tank to form a good insulative barrier.

Then backfill....

It never hurts to have a dozer around to help with the process!   Work smarter not harder!

Now you're ready to

 build forms for the concrete that will be poured as a base for the waterers.   

After the concrete is dry, remove boards and set the tank in place.  These come with instructions so it's pretty easy.

We had 3 waterers so 3 forms were needed.  They were built to extend past the waterer a bit.

 This gives the cows

something to stand on and keeps the ground from getting muddy and nasty around it.  We had considered mixing our own concrete, but instead decided to call the local concrete company and have a

truck sent out.  We needed 3 yards and that was just too much for us to mix up on our own.  So, now…….concrete is set… comes setting the tanks.   The last thing to do after checking for leaks, is to fill in the lines.  That’s when that bulldozer came in real handy!!

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