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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Beginning the Garden

I've taken a chance and I planted corn and beans yesterday.  I took my thermometer and checked the soil temperature.  It was "warm" or about 70 degrees.  This was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon so the sun had warmed it all day.  I've also planted 6 tomato and 6 pepper plants that I recently picked up at a local green house.  The extended forecasts all look pretty favorable for them to survive.  I do want them to do more than just survive though.  I'm so ready for fresh vegetables out of the garden.  I've been picking spinach that I sowed last fall.  We've had several gallon sized bags.  If the weather will stay on the cool side it will keep producing.
How is your garden planting going?

Morning dew drops on Yellow Rocket

New leaves on an oak tree in the yard.