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Friday, February 11, 2011

Burden on my heart

Do you just ever wonder....what might be your purpose for being on this earth?  I'd like to think I'm doing

and walking the path that I'm supposed to.  We raised two fine sons to adulthood.  One is happily married

and the other is still searching for his lifemate.  We have plans to move to the farm after I graduate.  We still

need to build a house and are waiting for our other farm to sell, to be able to start that.  But, I have a burden

on my heart that keeps surfacing.  I keep thinking about children who need a home.  Whether they need a

foster home or they need to be adopted doesn't seem to matter.  I keep thinking about them.  I keep thinking

that there are children that don't have parents that love them or a place to call home.  That is so vital to a

child's well being.  Every child deserves that.  I'm curious to see what the future brings to us.  We can't do

anything right now, but what about in the next couple of years.  I wonder what our grown sons would think

about another sibling.  In the meantime...I'll just keep praying that I am walking the path intended for me.

1 comment:

  1. I think its wonderful - I've told Aaron that if we had boy's I want to adopt a little girl from China after reading so many stories from over there I wish I could right now.
