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Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010


TMM is the buzzword now in our block class at school. Teacher Made Materials. We have to make 8 of these and it's a little daunting besides the Lit. Cluster of 40 children's books, twice weekly observations at our assigned pre-schools with the manditory written reflections to be turned in for grades.....eeeekkkkk! Does anybody have any good web sites for TMM's? We're already in week #5....just counting down and trying to keep the old head above water! Housework is on the back burner and the garden gets visited about once weekly. I don't get to go to the farm since the Mr.'s days off are Mon. and Tues. and I'm in class those days. I'd love to go to the farm and help him with the fencing! Or just be able to spend the night and watch the morning begin....we have beautiful sunrises up there. Oh goes on.