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Showing posts with label frugality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frugality. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Waste not Want not

Good Morning all!

While fixing my breadkfast this morning, I thought about sharing my way of using up jam or jelly that has gone beggin'. In other words, a way to use up some of that jam or jelly that is lurking in the back of the refrigerator or cupboard shelf that's just not getting eaten. When you make your hot cereal for the morning, instead of dumping in a bunch of sugar, spoon a dallop of the jelly into it instead. Stir and enjoy knowing you've done a good thing!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Household tip

Here's your helpful tip for the day....Did you know that by unwrapping your bars of soap and letting them dry, they won't get as gushy in the shower. It also makes them last longer. Find a pretty bowl or glass container, or whatever goes with your decor, unwrap several and display them in your bathroom. Be sure and leave the lid off for several days to allow for drying. It also makes the room smell good!