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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cereal Bag Recycling

Here's another helpful household tip. Had you ever thought about reusing those bags that cereal is in, inside of the box? They are heavy duty and once they are shaken out (outside for the birds, they love the little pieces) are wonderful for freezing meat. Just use a twist tie to seal the bag shut. Now you can feel that you have recycled just one more thing! Does anyone have any other uses for them?

Monday, September 20, 2010


This past weekend was the community wide yard sale. You could shop all day long for 2 days. This was one of my treasures....$7.50. I have been looking for a meat grinder for the venison that the Mr. brings home. Most of it I take to the butcher to be ground, but sometimes I keep out more roast than we need and wanted a grinder to take care of that. I dont' know that I'll use any other part of this as I have a great Kitchenaid mixer, but it's nice to know I've got it if I need it. I tried out the grinder the other day and it does just what I wanted.

I was also able to find the candle holder and candle for $1.00 and the cute little footed bowl for .50! Gotta love yard much entertainment for so little money! Be sure and go out and do your part for recycling!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feeding Finches

In the front flowerbed of the house, grow echinacea. After their pretty blooms have faded, I am tempted to cut them down, but I have hesitated because I know the birds will feed on them. Here's the proof.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hummingbird food

You know with today's economy, we've got save every penny we can. But it wouldn't matter what shape the economy is in, I don't like spending unnecessary money. I was visiting with a friend outside her house and we were admiring all the hummingbirds at the flowers and feeders and she remarked that the replacement food for her feeders was so expensive. I asked her if she wasn't making her own and she told me that it was a lot of trouble. Now how much trouble can it be to stir sugar into water? She thought that you had to boil it, but I told her no, you might have to warm it a bit to get the sugar to dissolve. I hope y'all out there aren't spending money that you don't have to, simply mix 4 parts water to 1 part white granulated sugar. Or, for each cup of water stir in 1/4 cup sugar. Stir til dissolved and pour in your feeder!
There's your helpful hint for today! Tomorrow I'll tell you about some of the things I found at the community yard sales!
Good Morning,

I just discovered a good deal this morning. Over at One Kings Lane, if you join, you'll get a $15.00 credit......and that's a good thing in these times. Anytime somebody wants to give me money.....I'll take it! They've got home decor and it's worth a look.
Yesterday and today, our community is having their yard sales and you never know what you'll find.....could be trash or could be a treasure!! So, I'm off to see what's out there and I'll let you know if I find a treasure! Remember to recycle, reduce or reuse :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Household tip

Here's your helpful tip for the day....Did you know that by unwrapping your bars of soap and letting them dry, they won't get as gushy in the shower. It also makes them last longer. Find a pretty bowl or glass container, or whatever goes with your decor, unwrap several and display them in your bathroom. Be sure and leave the lid off for several days to allow for drying. It also makes the room smell good!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. I've been working on a project for school for the last 6 hours and I'm finally done. I've looked over a powepoint for a test tomorrow and thinking about tomorrow's class and what more can be assigned! We're in our 4th week and I just hope I can stay on top of all this work.... It's 10:15 and I'm tired and going to bed.....Good night all!